Wednesday, July 30, 2025 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM)
Are you a new partner or do you need a refresher on how you can maximize your benefits and services offered by the CEP? Join us on the last Wednesday morning of the month, July 30th. CEP 101 is a complimentary, must-attend orientation for all new partners. It also serves as a great refresher for those partners who have not attended one in a while. Join us for a morning coffee break and an opportunity to network with other partners, find out more about the programs and services of the CEP, and learn how to maximize your benefits for the best return on your investment! Orientation is held on the last Wednesday each month at 8:30am in our CEP Boardroom located at 310 SE Third Street, Ocala, FL 34471.
Additional Info
Ocala Metro Chamber & Economic Partnership 310 SE Third Street Ocala,